Concurrent program to update Frozen cost for the item from the pending cost.
------Form-------------declare access_id varchar2(100); l_server_url varchar2(200); l_parameters varchar2(200); l_gfm_id number; button_choice number; v_request_id number; p_mfg_org_id number;begin p_mfg_org_id := fnd_profile.value('MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID'); access_id := fnd_gfm.authorize(null); fnd_profile.get('APPS_WEB_AGENT', l_server_url); l_parameters :='access_id='||access_id||' l_server_url='||l_server_url; fnd_function.execute(FUNCTION_NAME=>'FND_FNDFLUPL', OPEN_FLAG => 'Y', SESSION_FLAG => 'Y', OTHER_PARAMS =>l_parameters); FND_MESSAGE.set_name('FND','ATCHMT-FILE-UPLOAD-COMPLETE'); button_choice := FND_MESSAGE.question( button1=> 'YES', button2=> null, button3=> 'NO', default_btn => 1, cancel_btn =>3, icon=> 'question'); if ( button_choice = 1 ) then l_gfm_id := fnd_gfm.get_file_id(access_id); if l_gfm_id is null then fnd_message.set_string('Please upload the cost file.');; raise form_trigger_failure; end if; v_request_id:=FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST ( 'MODULE_NAME', 'REQUEST_NAME', -- 此处调用包体的 read_blob '', to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'), false, l_gfm_id, p_mfg_org_id, chr(0), '','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','','','', '','','','','','','','',''); IF v_request_id = 0 THEN FND_MESSAGE.RETRIEVE; FND_MESSAGE.ERROR; ELSE COMMIT; END IF; end if; end;----------------------create or replace package body UPLOAD_STD_COST_PKG is function split_last_pos(v_string in string, v_char in string) return number is v_Result number := 0; v_pos number; v_start_pos number := 1; begin if instr(v_string, v_char) = 0 then v_Result := 0; else while instr(v_string, v_char, 1, v_start_pos) > 0 loop v_pos := instr(v_string, v_char, 1, v_start_pos); v_start_pos := v_start_pos + 1; end loop; end if; v_Result := v_pos; return(v_Result); end split_last_pos; function check_number(p_data in varchar2) return number is i number; j number; s varchar2(3); v_dot number:=0; begin select lengthb(p_data) into j from dual; for i in 1..j loop begin select substr(p_data,i,1) into s from dual; if s='.' then v_dot:=v_dot+1; if v_dot>1 then return(0); end if; elsif s not in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') then return(0); end if; exception when others then return(0); end; end loop; return(p_data); exception when others then return(0); end; procedure upload_std_cost(p_data varchar2, p_errbuf out varchar2) is l_data_len number; l_len number; v_item_id number; v_item_number varchar2(30); v_item_cost varchar2(60); v_cost number; i number:=0; j number:=0; k number:=0; begin l_data_len := length(p_data); --分列数据 select INSTR(p_data,',',1,1) into i from dual; if (j<>0) then fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Data:' ||p_data||',Too many commas.'); end if; if (i<=1) then fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Data:' ||p_data||',Data error.'); else begin select substr(p_data,1,i-1),substr(p_data,i+1) into v_item_number,v_item_cost from dual; -- check if the item is effective begin select inventory_item_id into v_item_id from mtl_system_items_b where organization_id = p_mfg_org_id and segment1= v_item_number; -- check if the cost is correct --最多只能有一个".",而且必须全是数字 v_cost := check_number(v_item_cost); if v_cost = 0 then fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Data:' ||p_data||',The cost is incorrect.'); else insert into cst_item_cst_dtls_interface (inventory_item_id, organization_id, cost_type, resource_code, USAGE_RATE_OR_AMOUNT, COST_ELEMENT_ID, PROCESS_FLAG, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY) values (v_item_id, p_mfg_org_id, 'Pending', 'MAT', v_cost, 1, 1, SYSDATE,P_USER_ID,SYSDATE,P_USER_ID); end if; exception when others then fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Data:' ||p_data||',The item is incorrect.'); end; end; end if; p_errbuf := 'S'; exception when others then p_errbuf := 'E'; end; procedure read_line(p_hex varchar2, p_last_pos out number, p_errinfo out varchar2) is i_pos_s number := 1; ----开始标记 i_step number := 2; ----每次读取HEX字符串的个数 i_len number; i_dec number; v_string varchar2(5000) := ''; v_tmp varchar2(1000) := ''; v_errinfo varchar2(100); v_len number; begin i_len := length(p_hex); p_last_pos := split_last_pos(p_hex, '0D0A'); if i_len > (p_last_pos + 3) then v_len := p_last_pos + 3; else v_len := i_len; end if; dbms_output.put_line('v_len=' || v_len); while i_pos_s <= v_len loop v_tmp := substr(p_hex, i_pos_s, i_step); i_pos_s := i_pos_s + i_step; ---如果其ASCII值大于128,则说明是双字节字符,需要再取两位HEX值 if to_number(v_tmp, 'XXXX') > 128 then v_tmp := v_tmp || substr(p_hex, i_pos_s, i_step); i_pos_s := i_pos_s + i_step; end if; ----hex_to_dec转换 i_dec := to_number(v_tmp, 'XXXX'); if (i_dec in (10,13)) then ----10换行 or 13回车符 if v_string is not null then upload_std_cost(v_string, v_errinfo); dbms_output.put_line('v_string=' || v_string); dbms_output.put_line('v_errinfo=' || v_errinfo); if nvl(v_errinfo, 'S') <> 'S' then p_errinfo := v_errinfo; exit; end if; end if; v_string := ''; else ----正常数据 v_string := v_string || chr(i_dec); end if; end loop; end; procedure read_blob(errbuf out varchar2, errcode out varchar2, p_file_id in number, p_mfg_organization_id in number) is lobloc blob; l_blob_len number; l_buffer RAW(32767); -- 缓存的最大字符长度 l_amount number := 32767; l_offset number := 1; l_last_pos number; v_errinfo varchar2(100); begin p_mfg_org_id := p_mfg_organization_id; p_user_id := fnd_profile.VALUE('USER_ID'); delete from cst_item_cst_dtls_interface where organization_id= p_mfg_org_id and group_id is not null; select file_data into lobloc from fnd_lobs where file_id = p_file_id; l_file_id := p_file_id; l_blob_len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(lobloc); WHILE l_offset < l_blob_len LOOP, l_amount, l_offset, l_buffer); read_line(l_buffer, l_last_pos, v_errinfo); if nvl(v_errinfo, 'S') <> 'S' then errbuf := v_errinfo; rollback; exit; end if;-- l_offset := l_offset + l_last_pos + 3; l_offset := l_offset + l_last_pos; fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'offset:' ||l_offset); END LOOP; DELETE FROM FND_LOBS WHERE FILE_ID = p_file_id; commit; end; end UPLOAD_STD_COST_PKG;